Electric Medicine
Northern Hammer is an Earth Metal band hailing from St. Paul, Minnesota. Scott Skoog on the boom-crash-rawr, and Nick Streine on the stringed hammer. Be prepared for a cathartic, sonic blanket with heavy grooves, positive energy, and a wall of artistic fuzz! It is a dose of Electric Medicine!
New Music Coming Soon — 12/2/2021 Released 2021

Album tracks

  • 1
    Runestone (clip)
    Northern Hammer
  • 2
    Desert Song (clip)
    Northern Hammer
  • 3
    Ragnarok (clip)
    Northern Hammer
  • 4
    Nieces (clip)
    Northern Hammer
  • 5
    Odin (clip)
    Northern Hammer
  • 6
    Electric Medicine (clip)
    Northern Hammer
  • 7
    The Buzzer (clip)
    Northern Hammer
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